Daily before and after Mass and/or by appointment.
Fourth Sunday of every month after the 11:00 a.m. Mass. Parents and godparents must attend the Baptism Class held every 3rd Sunday of the month at 12:30 pm in the H.S. Chapel. Contact the Parish office for more information on requirements for Baptism. 361-527-3865. Please look at our Sunday bulletin for information on changes in classes or baptism dates. Children must be under the age of 6 years old to be baptized. Children 7 years old and over must register for CCD Classes first and be baptized when doing Holy Communion.
Couples should inquire about premarital preparation, and available church dates at least 6 months prior to the planned wedding date. Please contact the Parish office for an appointment; do not make any arrangements before an interview with the priest.
Should be scheduled at least six (6) months in advance with the Pastor or Secretary. Must be enrolled in Confirmation I class to reserve a date.
Secretary: Sandra Lopez
Bookkeeper: Elsa Garza
Detention Center Ministry — Brother Ubaldo & Servando Leal (956-740-7378) contact 24/7
Religious Education for Children — Sandra & Jose Lopez, Coordinators
Adult Religious Education (RCIA) — Carlos Rene Ramirez, Coordinator
Youth Choir —
Adult Choir — David Morales
Altar Servers — Iris Zambrano Morales
Quinceañera and Weddings — Patricia Flores
Parish Council — David Morales
Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion — Vilma Carrillo
New Evangelization — Santiago & Lupita Perez
Liturgical Committee & Lectors — Norma Flores
Youth Lectors — Alfredo & Kaitlyn Alaniz
Guadalupanas — Diana Carreon
Catholic Daughters — Noelia Chapa
Secular Franciscan Order — Dora Hinojosa
Knights of Columbus — Jose Oscar Ramirez
Cursillistas — Azalia Perez
Immaculadas — Gloria Perez
Jamaica Committee — Juan Carlos Guerra
Rosary Leaders — Bellita Garza & Azalia Perez
Cemetery Committee — Vicky Garcia
504 E. Santa Clara
Hebbronville, TX 78361