Thank you for visiting the Human Resources webpage. We hope that you locate the information that is of interest to you. For specific information, please call HR staff for assistance. HR staff will handle your questions and concerns with professionalism, care, privacy, and the highest ethical standards.
Please call the Director of Human Resources for specific concerns regarding employment laws, diocesan policy, or grievances in employment matters. Your concerns are essential to the diocese and will be handled promptly and diligently in each matter.
For a list of employment opportunities, see below.
The Human Resources Department is committed to living the diocesan sacred purpose, vision, and core values.
As the family of God in the Diocese of Laredo, we are called to serve one another with the love of Christ.
Building unity within our diocesan community.
Faithfulness, Respect, Joy, and Unity.
Should your interactions with the Human Resources staff or any diocesan staff contradict the diocesan sacred purpose, vision, or core values, please report it immediately. Service that is consistent with the diocesan mission should be provided at all times by all staff. Thank you.