OUR parishes

Our Lady of Refuge Church

815 Webster St. Eagle Pass, TX 78852

mass times

  • SUNDAYENG11:00 am, SPA9:00 am,
  • TuesdayENGSPA8:00 am,
  • WednesdayENGSPA8:00 am, 8:30 pm,
  • ThursdayENG8:00 am, SPA
  • FridayENG8:00 am, SPA
  • SaturdayENG6:00 pm, SPA


Before or after Mass / Antes o después de Misa

ADORACION / Blessed Sacrament: 

Each Thursday 7-8pm

Tuesday to Friday 9am-1pm in Adoration Chapel / if no Funeral


Office (830) 773-7744 / Sr. Patty HMPS

Asamblea Carismática 

Miércoles 6:30 pm

Primer Miércoles – Servicio de Sanación 

how to get here

815 Webster St. Eagle Pass, TX 78852